Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
<p>The <em>Annals of the</em> <em>University</em> <em>of</em> <em>Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics</em>, a journal of the University of Craiova, Faculty of Letters, was first published in 1996, as a new series with a well individualised linguistic profile. It is a successor of the <em>Annals of the</em> <em>University</em> <em>of</em> <em>Craiova. Series Philology, History, Geography</em>, a scientific journal first published in 1972.</p>Editura Universitariaen-USAnnals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics2734-7168Equivalencias rumanas de algunas unidades fraseológicas de la novela «Insolación» de Emilia Pardo Bazán
<p>As an academic discipline, translation studies are relatively new, but the scientific concepts related thereto date back a long time ago. Translation theory and practice are inseparable. As for the classification and delimitation of idioms, there is no unanimity of opinions. In literary translation, attempts are made at translating idioms from a source text through idioms in the target language, although this may mean orienting the translation towards the target language. The article aims at finding Romanian idioms to translate Spanish ones from the novel Insolación by Emilia Pardo Bazán.</p>Lavinia SIMILARU
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.98And Then There Were Some… Reflecting on the Use of Adverbs in the Albanian Translation of Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None”
<p>The aim of this paper is to reflect on the use of adverbs from a comparative translation perspective. Adverbs may serve many purposes in writing, and arguments can be brought for and against their prolific use, overuse or, at times, even abuse as stylistic devices. We have selected Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None” to analyse the use of adverbs from a translation’s perspective. One of the typical features of Christie’s writing is her crisp style, focusing essentially on action and dialogue. Even though there is not much descriptive prose, the use of adverbs is striking, often used to modify reporting verbs of direct speech, shedding more light into the characters, as well as serving as clues or red herrings to the revelation of the identity of the murderer. We are going to refer to the frequency and purpose of usage of adverbs in the original vis-à-vis the Albanian translation. The comparison between the original (1940) and its Albanian translation (2019) also intends to contemplate on shifting viewpoints about the use of adverbs in contemporary writing.</p>Eriola QAFZEZI
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.114Translation and Adaptation of Borrowings from Medical English to Romanian
<p>This paper focuses on some exemplary cases of terms borrowed from medical English into Romanian. Being used with the original English spelling and pronunciation, these loanwords are not adapted to standard Romanian. That is why this article tries to find appropriate Romanian equivalents for the terms in question, adapted to our language. The study also provides textual contexts in which these loanwords appear in Romanian medical language.</p>Iulia Cristina FRÎNCULESCU
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.89El arte de traducir un texto parenético: Ceasornicul domnilor, la traducción rumana del Relox de príncipes
<p>This study proposes an analysis of the Romanian translation of Relox de príncipes. At the turn of the 17th century, the Moldavian scholar Nicolae Costin undertakes a major literary project and manages to complete it, despite all the conceptual and translation-related obstacles he most likely encountered. His text betrays, on the one hand, the influence of the Latin word order and, on the other hand, various calques and neologisms borrowed from Classical Latin. Although we find some glosses and interpolations in his translation, in most cases they are meant to increase the accessibility of the text for Romanian readers. Thus, we see a relationship of faithfulness between the source text and the target text in the case of Nicolae Costin’s literary creation, since the translation definitely maintains the spirit of Antonio de Guevara’s writing.</p>Andrei Iulian DIN
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.105Developing the Professional Skills of Future Foreign Language University Teachers
<p>The thesis scrutinizes a topical problem of the development of professional skills in future university teachers of foreign languages. The author analyses the essence and structure of the development of professional skills in future university<br>teachers of foreign language, defining criteria and indices, characterizing the levels of professional skill development in future university teachers of foreign languages, providing theoretical arguments and experimental demonstrations for the conditions of the development of such skills.</p>Lyubov PERSHYNA
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.96Osservazioni sulle modalità di traduzione in romeno delle coppie correlative chi... chi del romanzo I promessi sposi di Alessandro Manzoni
<p>This article presents and discusses the translation of the correlative pairs chi… chi of Alessandro Manzoni’s I promessi sposi, in the Romanian version Logodnicii by Alexandru Balaci. We notice that the translator Alexandru Balaci (1916-2002), a refined specialist of Italian language and culture, uses a wide range of translation versions, sometimes even deciding not to translate the correlative pair chi… chi, but to rephrase the entire utterance.</p>Elena PÎRVU
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.112Fenómenos neológicos en español y en rumano durante la pandemia de COVID
<p>Our paper proposes a compared analysis of the main methods to solve neological and terminological necessities in Spanish and Romanian during the<br>COVID-19 pandemic, a period marked by accelerated language change, especially regarding the quick social acceptance of lexical innovations. We wish to outline, with this approach, that neological creation tools – ex nihilo creations, word formation by means of morphological, syntactic, phonological or semantic resources and loans – are generally the same, especially in the case of typologically related languages.</p>Oana-Adriana DUȚĂ
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.87The Distribution of That – Clauses from a Structural Point of View
<p>The paper discusses the distribution of subordinate clauses introduced by the conjunction THAT within complex sentences, focusing on the functions they can perform, and, at the same time, concentrating on a number of transformations that can take place in the surface structure of clauses, namely extraposition, particle movement, passivization, THAT-deletion, analysing the specific structures for each transformation.</p>Mădălina CERBAN
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.103The Ethical Concept of Shame as a Social Regulator of the Students’ Behaviour
<p>The aim of the research is to study the impact of the ethical concept of “shame” on the moral consciousness and behaviour of adolescents in high school. To do this, an analysis of the concept of “shame” in special literature was carried out, as well as an analysis of the content of this concept in the minds of adolescents; the main substantive signs of its lexical representations of various morphological natures were revealed: negativity, reason, external orientation of emotion, and internal emotional traits. The survey of adolescents also established the degree of effectiveness of shame as a social regulator and modifier. The insufficient regulatory and modification effectiveness of the concept of “shame” revealed in the course of the<br>research is influenced by several factors: a value crisis in the spiritual state of modern society; psychological characteristics of adolescence; shortcomings of the idea of shame formed in the minds of adolescents (a superficial understanding of emotion, an insignificant degree of the emotions of fear and guilt in the shame complex, lack of logical awareness of cause-and-effect relationships). To eliminate these shortcomings and increase the effectiveness of the concept of shame as a social regulator of adolescents' behaviour, it is necessary to carry out significant work on organizing a system of work on the formation of ideas about shame in adolescents, on their inclusion in practical activities to form the ethical concept under study in the family and school.</p>Mariya VALOVAZifa TEMIRGAZINAAtirkul AGMANOVAAynur AMANGELDY
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.119Macrochamps sémantico-fonctionnels des énoncés mono-, bi- et polysynonymiques mono- et polytransformationnels dans la prose française contemporaine
<p>In this article mono-, bi- and polysynonymic utterances with different key lexemes are studied in the continuum language → discourse, based on the transformations of the virtual primary structure within the semantic-functional macrofield (SFM), which are actualized in the form of compressed, extended or quantitatively equacomponential grammaticalized and agrammaticalized co(n)textually pertinent preferential options. The processual, resultative, substantive, processual-characterizing, resultative-characterizing, non-processual-characterizing and non-resultative-characterizing microfields are distinguished. At the level of the SFM, on the one side, the intersection and the interpenetration of semantically and structurally nuanced microfields is realized; on the other side, SFM cross and interact in case it is about mono- or polytransformational bi- and polysynonymic structures with the immediate succession of synonymic constructions referring to the same action subject; the SFM of polytransformational bi- and polysynonymic preferential options with synonymic segments referring to different actants have no point of intersection.</p>Anastasiia LEPETIUKHA
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.94Numele Dumitru. Scurtă radiografie antroponimică
<p>No matter whether we are talking about names of human settlements and their subdivisions – cities, towns, villages, parts of villages, hamlets, parishes – or about the geographical objects on site – waters, ponds, hills, shores, mountains, forests, valleys, etc. – toponyms has significantly relied on the participation of anthroponyms in the process of naming its own units. One of the names frequently found in this area is Dumitru.<br>In this article, we aim at analysing this anthroponym from the perspective of the structural types it is a part of, found in the toponymy of Oltenia.</p>Iustina NICA BURCI NICA BURCI
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.110Forestierismi romeni nella narrativa italiana dei nostri giorni
<p>The paper analyses the use of Romanian borrowings in contemporary Italian prose, as a form of social change due to immigration. Three recent novels shall be considered: two are written by Italian authors – Daniele Semeraro’s Ana Macarena (Castelvecchi Editore, 2018) and Armando Santarelli’s Storia di Mirela (Rubbettino,<br>2020), and one by an Italian-speaking Romanian immigrant, Andreea Simionel’s Male a est (Italo Svevo Edizioni, 2022), outlined in the 2023 edition of the Strega Awards. The investigation follows the Romanian gastronomic vocabulary, mainly used by the three authors in their novels.</p>Afrodita Carmen CIONCHIN
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.85A Linguocultural Approach towards the Study of Latin Medical Terminology
<p>The issue of significance of the Latin language as an international language of science is presented in the research. It is established that Latin language is an instrument of professional intercultural communication of physicians all over the world. It is emphasized that Latin language classes, filled with humanity content, promote the development of brain building, the creativity of an individual. The influence of ancient myths on the formation of medical terms, which today are still used in many languages, is investigated as well. The semantics and cultural significance of the existing Latin medical terms, which are of mythological origin, are studied. For centuries, mythological images have helped a person to develop knowledge in art and science. Despite the fact that the echoes of mythological knowledge are found in almost any field of science, the terms from the arsenal of the mythology are used in medicine most of all.</p>Ivanna Ivanivna VORONA
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.101The Life is a Journey Metaphor in Emily Dickinson’s Individual Conceptual Framework
<p>The features of the LIFE IS A JOURNEY complex conceptual metaphor in Emily Dickinson’s cognitive arsenal were traced in the article. A comparative analysis of the functioning of the metaphor in the author’s conceptual universe and the conceptual framework of the cultural community she belonged to was carried out. This type of analysis is considered as a valuable tool for the identification of cognitive mechanisms underlying the integration of complex conceptual metaphors into individual conceptual frameworks. The analysis is performed according to the paradigm of cognitive linguistics.</p>Liliia SHPAKNataliia Nataliia PASICHNYK Nataliia PASICHNYKNataliia HOTSANataliia ZAKORDONETSTetiana HARASYMInna OBIKHOD
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.117Let’s Square the Accounts: the Use of Names of Shapes as Verbs in English and Polish
<p>The paper analyses the use of names of shapes as verbs in English and Polish. In particular, the use of circle and square as verbs in English and the verbs related to the Polish names of these shapes, koło/okręg and kwadrat, is studied. The analysis shows that in English both circle and square function as verbs (often phrasal verbs), while in Polish these nouns cannot become verbs. Still, several verbs formed from the names koło and okręg were found while there is no verb related to kwadrat. In many cases the meaning of these “shape verbs” manifests a semantic relation to the shape itself.</p>Małgorzata KARCZEWSKA
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.92Zoonymic Images in Bicultural Childlore: Contrastive Aspect
<p>Childlore is a type of traditional folk creativity which finds its expression in the system of stable texts transmitted from one generation to another. These texts accumulate the peculiarities of the national conceptual picture of the world and the children's collective consciousness, reflecting the initial stages in the development of the national outlook. The article is focused on the contrastive analysis of the typical folk zoonymic images of CAT, RABBIT, and MOUSE, verbalized in the Anglophone and Ukrainian nursery rhymes. The zoonymic images are represented as a complex system of interrelated and interdependent meanings and functions analysed according to the suggested scheme. The differential features of the researched concepts of two languages are defined, grouped, and contrasted, the universal and national specific features are characterised.</p>Zoriana KOTSIUBA KOTSIUBA
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.108The Term “Word Order” in the Sentence of the Ukrainian Language: the History of its Origin and Formal-Grammatical Characteristics
<p>The article describes in a diachronic perspective the origin and interpretation of the term “word order” in the Ukrainian language through the prism of studying this phenomenon in Slavic and partly foreign linguistics of the early 17th – the first half of the 20th centuries. An analysis of the term “word order” based on the materials of the first grammars of the Ukrainian language and on the basis of theoretical and practical remarks of those linguists who were the first to use the term “word order” in their works was carried out. The leading tendencies of consideration of the order of words in East Slavic and West Slavic linguistics of the outlined time interval as separate linguistic schools and traditions are established. The connection of word order with the syntagmatic division of a sentence, which initiated communicative syntax, was studied. The types of phrases, rules for their detection in a sentence,<br>types of connection of phrases are described. The main syntactic characteristics of word order in a sentence of the Ukrainian language in the formal-grammatical paradigm are named.</p>Olha TURKOLyudmyla MARCHUK
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.99The Evolutionary Origins of Language: Validating a New Theory
<p>The origins of language have long been a subject of debate and speculation. Although hypotheses of how language might have originated have been formed, these hypotheses are outdated at best and no attempts have been made to improve on these theories or to formulate new ones. This study hence aims to devise a new theory discussing the origins of language by taking into account the shortcomings of existing theories and resolving these to form a new, more comprehensive theory. The new theory is structured as a process which, rather than only suggesting a single point from which language might have originated, focuses on detailing the entire process from language origin to present day modern language. This study also aims to provide evidence to substantiate the validity of the theory through reviews of<br>existing research and analysis of documented proto-languages such as Proto-Indo-European (PIE) and Proto-Austronesian (PAN). Several areas of research that may provide further support for the theory will also be suggested. As such, this study will demonstrate that the issue of language origin does not have to be speculative in nature and can be based on tangible evidence such as hominin anatomy, genetics, documented proto-languages, and even modern languages.</p>V SHALINIFrancesco PERONO CACCIAFOCO
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.115Who Was ‘She’ in Ancient Tamil Literature?
<p>The representations of women in ancient Tamil literature are multifarious, and the development of such perceptions is a non-linear process. While existing studies provide extensive analyses of ancient literary works, it is still unclear how the perceptions of women eventually shaped a specific rubric for modern Tamil women to follow. Ancient Tamil literature characterises the feminine identity as a constantly evolving entity, not restricted to or encapsulated by any particular archetype or trait. In order to truly understand the role of the different portrayals of women in literature in eventually forming a “Tamil” identity, it is vital to unearth the multi-faceted intentions and motivations of writers who authored esteemed literary works, such as the Tolkāppiyam. The “Tamil” identity (or the norms one accepts and adheres to in order to qualify or identify as “Tamil”) has deep roots in ancient Tamil literature. Tamil Literature was not only pregnant with meaning to Tamils back then but also now, with effects proliferating within modern Tamil society in ways more than one, especially in the social and psychological domains.</p>Jency GRACIA LOURDESFrancesco PERONO CACCIAFOCO
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.90The Productivity of Morphological Neologisms in the English Segment of the Fashion and Beauty Industry
<p>The article is devoted to the study of neologisms in the modern fashion and beauty industry. The most productive ways of neologisms formation in the modern fashion and beauty industry were identified. Morphological features of neologisms formation in the English language are looked into. The classification of neologisms in the fashion and beauty industry according to the method of word formation is carried out. Compounding turned out to be the most productive way of word formation, and the least productive is conversion.</p>Oksana DZIUBINAOlesia TATAROVSKARoman DUDOKLyubomyr BORAKOVSKYY
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.106Concept théorique et méthodologique de l’étude des toponymes français
<p>The theoretical and methodological concept of the research starts from the fact that a set of toponymic elements, a combination of real facts and the relationship between them are subordinated to the principle of systematicity.<br>For its implementation, the historical method is used, according to which the peculiarities of the historical events, the economic and ethnic status of the population and peculiarities of the locality are analysed etc; the primary significance of the toponyms, the reasons for their motivation, the historical conditions of their origin and development are revealed through the etymological analysis; the most productive toponymic bases, their variability, the structural types are established by the word-formation analysis; the inductive and deductive methods are used to promote the theoretical hypotheses and generalizations.</p>Olga PEZHYNSKA
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.97ÎN PROBLEMA TIPOLOGIEI SINTAGMELOR: SINTAGMA VERBALĂ vs SINTAGMA PREDICATIVĂ
<p>This article aims at (re)examining two types of subordinating phrases (= created based on a subordination relation) identified in scientific literature, i.e. verb phrases and predicative phrases. The latter differs from the former in that the P(redicate) is a DT (=dependent) to the S(ubject), and subordination takes place exclusively through agreement, contrarily to the usual means of complement subordination. The verb phrase is classified depending on the H (head), the relevant subphrases are classified depending on the D, and the predicative phrase is organised around a P in its capacity as a D related to an S.</p>Valentin ROMAN
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.113The Formation and Functioning of Compound Neologisms on Twitter and Facebook Social Networking Sites
<p>The article deals with the newly coined lexical units of English-speaking segment of Twitter and Facebook social networking services. The present paper looks into newly coined words which are compounds, their main types depending on the structure of the constituent stems. For the present investigation, the latest innovations were taken from Word Spy and Urban dictionary – online dictionaries of new words, slang words and phrases.</p>Oksana DZIUBINA
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.88On the Monosemic Nature of Words
<p>This paper aims to prove the monosemic nature of some polysemous words. To prove the monosemic character of a word, its semantics must be analysed. Looking at the semantic field that covers the word will enable us to understand the semantic connection that exists in the content structure of the word. In this paper the focus is placed on the examination of the referential and contextual criteria of the word, in order to prove that the meanings of polysemous words are nothing but<br>monosemic words constructed in a semantic structure. The semantic variants of the examined words are semantic alternatives, which show only a false polysemy of the word. This paper tries to make a modest contribution to the treatment of the linguistic phenomenon of monosemy and the argument that some polysemous words are inclined towards a monosemic nature, even though they are reflected in the dictionary as polysemous words.</p>Jonida CUNGU
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.104The Conceptual System of Matrimonial Conflict Discourse in Modern German Language
<p>The conceptual system of the contemporary German language matrimonial conflict discourse is studied in two forms of representation – the colloquial one for everyday use and the authoritative one. The system-making concepts and the systemic connections between them are determined and statistically verified for each type of contemporary German language matrimonial conflict discourse. The schematic fixation of this set allows reconstructing unique cognitive maps, whose analysis testifies to the difference between the reality of the conflict communication of the German-speaking spouse-partner couple (the everyday picture of the world) and its interpretation by the author, reflecting the objective world by the language means through his subjective vision (author's picture of the world) and thus determining the language elements in the text.</p>Irina OSOVSKAAnastasiia GUTSOL
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.95Can a Part Be more Predisposed to Sustainable Development than the Whole? (The Evidence of the Island Dialects of Scots)
<p>The purpose of the article is to determine the extent to which the Ulster and Shetlandic regional varieties of the Scots language correspond in their parameters to the definition of an island resettlement dialect, and also to show that the island nature of the areas to be considered is an important factor that has a favourable effect on the development of the dialects in question, as well as the entire Scots language as a whole. The evidence considered in the work confirms the island character of the areas of Ulster-Scots and Shetlandic and substantiates the conclusion that it is a condition that counteracts the linguistic shift and favours the sustainable development of the idioms in question.</p>Alexander PAVLENKOAnastasia KARLINAGalina PAVLENKO
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.111Le temps fragmenté et la cohérence textuelle chez J. M. G. Le Clézio: l’exemple de Révolutions et de Ritournelle de la faim
<p>Le Clézio reconfigures literary space through his ability to reconfigure time. In Révolutions and Ritournelle de la faim there is no longer a linearity of the text, because the games that Le Clézio makes with the verb tenses maintain a fragmented writing. However, the alternation of the stories and, implicitly, of the verb tenses does not cause cracks in the coherence and cohesion of the text, as the interruption of the linearity of time and of the narrative continuity participates in the dialogic structure of the two novels and in the plurality of points of view. Several temporalities coexist, overlap, follow each other, they are juxtaposed.</p>Diana COSTEA
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.86Features of the Legal Text in English Discourse: Problems of Interpretation and Translatability
<p>The consistent difference in the laws of various states, as well as the basic features typical of Russian and English legal discourse should be taken into account when dealing with legal texts. In order to determine the basic features typical for the English legal vocabulary and establish a methodology for solving the problems occurring when translating legal texts, the authors implement the methods of<br>syntactic, vocabulary, similarity and comparative analysis. The findings indicate that the difference between the Russian and English legal lexemes is conditioned by both linguistic and extra-linguistic factors.</p>Natalia E. BOBROVAAnton V. LEBEDEVIuliia S. PINKOVETSKAIA
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.102La relation d’inclusion semantique: dysfonctionnements textuels et strategies d’optimisation didactique
<p>This study focused on the anaphoric dysfunctions of inclusion of meaning noticed in Moroccan learners of French as a Foreign Language (henceforth FLE) during a written production. These textual deviations, taken as a learning strategy,<br>disturb the reading and interpretation of the text and generate real writing problems requiring pedagogical interventions. There is no doubt that the cohesion marks have an important functional role in the text since they ensure the connections and thus participate in the organisation of the linguistic content to be transmitted. Once these textual defects have been listed, identified and analysed, our main objective has been to suggest to the teacher the necessary didactic paths and tools so that the learner can avoid these deficits relating to the hyperonymy/hyponymy relationship in his or her future productions.</p>Moulay Mohamed TARNAOUISidi sidi Mohamed HAMDANIHassan HASSOUN
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.118Les particularités de l’enseignement du français langue étrangère aux étudiants en thérapie physique et en ergothérapie en Ukraine
<p>The article analyses the peculiarities of teaching French as a foreign language for students of physical and occupational therapy faculties in higher educational institutions in Ukraine. One of the most important aspects in the training of such specialists is the knowledge of foreign languages. It gives opportunities to communicate freely with foreign colleagues, to do internships abroad, to read professional scientific literature, to participate in international conferences. The study of French as a foreign language during bachelor and master programs should be holistic, comprehensive and dynamic, with clear requirements, based on the use<br>of modern educational literature and Internet resources. Language practice is one of the most important components in the training of a qualified specialist. French as a Foreign Language program for physical therapists and occupational therapists should be logically structured, balanced, aimed at preparing for Professional French Diploma in Health Care, and contain a set of interdisciplinary knowledge on health care system in France.</p>Rostyslav KOVALOlha ROMANCHUKMyroslava DANYLEVYCHAndrii SOVA
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.93Verbal Coding of the Sun in Riddles
<p>The paper aims at providing a comparative research of how the enigmatic spirit of riddles manifests itself when various conceptions serve to describe the Sun<br>in Ukrainian and English traditions. The three-component cosmonym coding analysis in riddles implies the decoding of the SUN image concerning its attributive, predicative, and nominative aspects. The explicit and/or implicit manifestations of the attributive and predicative characteristics are considered to constitute the core of the SUN concept in the consciousness of Ukrainian and English language speakers. In most Ukrainian and English riddles, the description of the SUN is most frequently based on the conceptions of its round shape, unreachable location, and the main function – to shine.</p>Tetiana LUCHECHKO
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.109The Multimodality of the English Visual and Graphic Text
<p>The article focuses on the issue of expressing multimodality in English-language comics. It has been established that multimodality is expressed at verbal, verbal-non-verbal, and non-verbal modes in English-language comics which are considered as visual and graphic texts. It was found out that all comic texts are represented by partial or complete multimodality. The complete multimodality implies a close connection with both lingual and visual components of a text space. The partial multimodality of the text presupposes a relative autonomy of a verbal constituent and its independence on imagery. The verbal component of expressing modality is represented at the phonetic, lexical, syntactic, textual levels of the language, as well as with deictic markers, and expressive means. The verbal-visual and visual proper multimodality means include the phonosemantic channel, paragraphemics, font typeface, colour.</p>Vasyl BIALYKMarianna IVASYSHYN
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.84Excurs hermeneutic. Metafora deşertăciunii în cartea Ecclesiastului
<p>The study aims at understanding the meaning and accurate interpretation of the Hebrew word “hebel”, as used in the Ecclesiastes Book. Initially, the work analyses some isagogic aspects before investigating the main topic. The language of the book has a complicated style and an unusual vocabulary. So far, research has assigned these features to linguistic factors, supposing that the text reflected an underrepresented dialect or register. However, current studies approach the discourse on this language from a new extralinguistic perspective. The Ecclesiastes is the only purely philosophical biblical book, focusing on abstract issues, such as the purpose of life or free will. This article analyses how Qoheleth’s need for an adequate conceptual style modelled his words.</p>Mihai VLADIMIRESCU
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.100L’analyse comparative des clichés dans des langues éloignées (sur la base des textes publicistes français et ukrainiens)
<p>The article is devoted to the structural and semantic features of language cliché in the French and Ukrainian press. The results of the studies on the morphological characteristics of stereotype units in both languages are presented. The article outlines the stylistic features of their use. The pragmatic function of language cliché as a means of speech compression and expressiveness has also been analysed.</p>Olga SYTNIKOVA
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.116The Vocabulary of Subject-Specific Terminologies: Peculiarities of Composition and Formation (Based on the English Geodetic Terminology)
<p>The article is dedicated to the study of English geodetic terminology. This paper aims to investigate the vocabulary of the researched terminology, to define the main mechanisms of geodetic terms creation and analyse their productivity. The carried-out investigation allows to draw the following conclusions: 1) English geodetic terminology covers such types of vocabulary: general language words, general scientific and trans-disciplinary terms, subject-specific (geodetic) words; 2) the analysed terminological units are formed on the basis of the following mechanisms: morphological means; semantic means; syntactic method and borrowing; 3) the most productive ones are the creation of terminological word combination and affixation.</p>Yuliia HRYBINYKNataliia SUNKO
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2023-12-112023-12-11451-210.52846/aucssflingv.v45i1-2.91Metaphors – Bridges between Conceptual Domains
<p>According to Cognitive Linguistics, metaphor involves using a familiar source domain as a model to categorize a less explored target domain. It thus becomes a bridge between two conceptual domains. Moreover, many idiomatic expressions rely on metaphors through which abstract entities are conceptualised on the basis of concrete ones.<br>Our paper aims at providing an overview of the most common conceptual metaphors that lie behind the meanings of many English and Romanian idioms<br>denoting body parts. We attempt to stress the important role that metaphors play in connecting conceptual domains, thus creating links between proper and figurative meanings of idioms.</p>Ana-Maria HERZALGeorgiana REISS
Copyright (c) 2023 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics