Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
<p>The <em>Annals of the</em> <em>University</em> <em>of</em> <em>Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics</em>, a journal of the University of Craiova, Faculty of Letters, was first published in 1996, as a new series with a well individualised linguistic profile. It is a successor of the <em>Annals of the</em> <em>University</em> <em>of</em> <em>Craiova. Series Philology, History, Geography</em>, a scientific journal first published in 1972.</p>Editura Universitariaen-USAnnals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics2734-7168KOMPONENTENZAHL IM NOMEN-NEUBILDUNGSKOMPOSITUM UND POLYSEMIE/MONOSEMIE-WERT SEINES DETERMINATUMS: SYNERGETISCH-QUANTITATIVER ANSATZ
<p>The article is devoted to studying the generation of complex nouns-neologisms in modern German-language press in the correlation between the number of the compound-neologism components and the semantic volume of the dominant neological component, from linguistic-synergetic positions. The study assigns methodological importance to the position, postulating that the driving factor is the synergetic law of conservation of speech energy and minimization of efforts for the human mental lexicon. The indicators obtained based on quantitative investigation methods confirm that the mechanisms of language self-regulation are optimally directed towards the generation of complex nouns-neologisms in the non-multidimensional format of the studied correlation, which testifies to the benefit of the synergetic law of speech energy conservation and minimization of efforts for the human mental lexicon.</p>Viktor DREBETAlbert BUSCH
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
<p>Language acquisition is a complex, multifaceted process crucial to understanding human cognition and informing language education. The present article presents a comprehensive review of the predominant theories and perspectives in language acquisition, integrating insights from interdisciplinary research. By analysing the contributions of key theories – behaviourism, nativism, sociocultural, or cognitive approaches – and evaluating their empirical support, we offer a nuanced understanding of how language development is shaped across diverse contexts. Highlighting the contributions of seminal theorists such as Skinner, Chomsky, Vygotsky, and Piaget, alongside contemporary research into bilingualism by Bialystok, Kuhl and others, this paper navigates through the complexities of language acquisition.</p>Iulia Elena CÎNDEACosmin CÎNDEA
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.143MINOAN AND THE MACHINES: COMPUTATIONAL APPROACHES TO THE DECIPHERMENT OF LINEAR A
<p>In this paper, we review some of the significant literature surrounding the computational decipherment of Linear A, an undeciphered writing system from Bronze Age Crete (Aegean Sea), ‘hiding’ the so-called (unknown) Minoan language. Specifically, we summarize the methodology and results of two machine learning-based techniques that might be applicable to the study of Linear A, the first relying on modeling language decipherment as a minimum cost-flow problem and the second on comparing phonetic values across languages by using a generative framework. Additionally, we evaluate the effectiveness and limitations of these techniques and compare their efficacy and relevance to the decipherment of Linear A. We also review a consonantal cluster-based approach (a cryptanalytic ‘brute force attack’) and a feature-based similarity method, both of which run parallel to these machine learning techniques, and briefly discuss the advantages and shortcomings of the latter in comparison to the former. The aim of this paper is to provide our readers with a synthetic, but precise outline of new computational approaches for the decipherment of Linear A and to encourage further studies and research on this topic.</p>Pratham MANOJFrancesco PERONO CACCIAFOCO
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
<p>The present paper deals with the quantitative and statistic aspects of idioms in a General English corpus, such as the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), within the frameworks of a cognitive usage-based approach to idioms and Quantitative Corpus Linguistics. It is argued that the frequency of idioms may contribute to their cognitive entrenchment. For this purpose, the frequency of select idioms is considered in five genres of the COCA: spoken, fiction, academic, popular magazines, and news, in terms of quantitative corpus linguistics measures of attraction and reliance. It was found that, based on their occurrence rates, select English idioms may exhibit a higher level of entrenchment compared to the others. In addition, it was observed that the idioms that occur less frequently in the corpus tend to achieve higher reliance scores than their more frequent counterparts.</p>Yurii KOVALIUK
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
<p>This article describes collocations in the legal context, emphasizing the importance of properly studying and understanding these phrases in legal practice. The meanings of the collocation <em>condiție prealabilă</em> are briefly examined, along with an analysis of its meaning and proper usage, with practical examples in order to illustrate the legal concept. For this study, we have analysed some examples extracted from the terminological database of the European e-Justice Portal.</p>Vanina Narcisa BOTEZATUFlorentina Gabriela NICOLAE
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
<p>The article deals with the rendering of the singular and plural forms of an English noun into Ukrainian and investigates the reasons for divergence between numbers in the source and the target texts. The cases of interchangeability of the singular and the plural forms are analysed. The divergence in number forms is caused by different rules of word combining in some syntactical patterns in English and Ukrainian. The plural is supposed to be used when rendering the so-called “common number” of an English denotative noun in the singular. The authors also describe the stylistic functions of the plural form in the target and source languages.</p>Liudmyla ZAHORODNIANataliia PASICHNYKOlha PAVLENKOAnastasiia SYZENKOIryna DIDENKONataliia ZHORNIAK
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.158PECULIARITIES OF GERMAN GENDER-ORIENTED ADVERTISEMENT TEXTS
<p>The article defines the peculiarities of German gender-oriented advertisement texts (ATs), summarizes and systematizes domestic and foreign approaches to the study of this problem, and reveals the lexical-stylistic features of German gender-oriented ATs, as well as the syntactic and compositional-structural characteristics of the latter, with an emphasis on language tools that enable gender specifics to be realized in various aspects.</p> <p>Since an advertisement is mainly addressed either to a woman or to a man, or to both sexes, the advertisement text has certain compositional, stylistic features, as well as some thematic and lexical orientation. Thus, it is proved that AT can be both gender-neutral and gender-marked.</p>Tetiana KHVALYBOHANadiya FEDCHYSHYNNataliia YELAHINAHalyna KLISHCH
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.132ANALIZA LEXICOGRAFICĂ A ÎMPRUMUTURILOR LEXICALE DE ORIGINE FRANCEZĂ ÎN DEX2 ‒ 2016 (I)
<p>Contemporary Romanian vocabulary is currently heterogeneous, which is due to the many linguistic influences it has suffered along the times. While, in the old ages of the history of literary Romanian language, Slavic, Greek, Neo-Greek, Russian, Hungarian etc. lexical elements helped enrich the internal structure of the vocabulary, the latter has been reconfigured as of the modern period, since previous linguistic models are replaced by Romance ones. Against this background, loanwords from scholarly Latin, which were taken over directly by the other Romance languages, enter Romanian language by means of French, Italian, etc., accelerating the modernisation of the lexicon, which is coined as <em>re-latinisation </em>in scientific literature.</p>Lorena KAIZER-PORUMB
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.148THE COGNITIVE STATUS OF A FIGURATIVE AND POETICALLY TRANSFORMED METAPHOR
<p>The relevance of the presented topic is based on a growing interest for the study of metaphors in different discourses. During the review, special emphasis was placed on the problem of metaphor typology. The identification of the frame the structural features of the metaphor, as well as the cognitive mechanisms of its poetic transformation, depends on the compilation of this typology. These factors must be taken into account in the process of translation as the reproduction of a metaphor by means of another one, in a different conceptual sphere and a different language.</p>Liliia SHPAKNataliia PASICHNYKHalyna KUZANZoryana PODOLYAKOleksandra VANIVSKARuslana PRESNER
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.139LA SYLLABE EN BIRIFOR REVISITÉE
<p>This article deals with a re-analysis of the syllable in Birifor. After an initial interpretation of this phonological unit in a structural perspective, which led to the result that there are syllables with a coda in the language, the present study aims to be an answer to certain questions. In the context of government theory, the analysis reveals that it is the core that governs the onset. In CVC stems, the final -C# consonant is not a coda but the onset of a second empty-nucleus syllable. This is justified by the fact that sonants automatically legitimize empty nuclei in final position in Birifor. Also, in CVV structures, the VV sequences do not belong to the same syllable. -V- is the nucleus of the first syllable and -V# represents the nucleus of the following empty-attacking syllable.</p>Issoufou François TIROGO
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
<p>The rapid changes taking place in different areas of the contemporary society lead to the occurrence of a number of concepts to be named. Law, as a phenomenon closely linked to society, must respond to this development, since many concepts have to be legally defined and anchored in the concrete legal system. In addition, even if the law is a field based on culture and linked to the legal system of each country, reflecting its tradition, history, and customs, it does not escape the influence of other legal systems, which can result in the emergence of new concepts and their denominations. The objective of the article is to examine the formation of French legal neologisms by comparing them with their English equivalents. The authors intend to study, in particular, the motivation and semantic transparency of French and English legal terms based on a corpus of 84 terminological neologisms from the field of law contained in the terminological database<em> FranceTerme</em>.</p>Zuzana HONOVÁJan HOLEŠ
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.129DEVELOPING PRESENTATION SKILLS. PREREQUISITES OF GOOD PRESENTATIONS
<p>Presentation skills are essential for specialists and researchers of different specialties. The present paper focuses on the prerequisites for an effective speech, listing down some requirements and things to avoid in terms of conference presentations. Attention is equally given to crafting the presentation and to the actual speech given at a scientific event.</p>Iulia Cristina FRÎNCULESCU
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
<p>This article aims to present in a plain, systematic, and pragmatic manner a modality for modernising the whole contents of the <em>Technical Guidelines for the Romanian Language Dictionary</em>, by structuring and ordering the text based on principles that nowadays govern the domain of technical documentation. For this, the methodology and the results that can be obtained are presented in detail.</p>Claudius-Marian TEODORESCU
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.137FAUX-AMIS D’ORIGINE FRANÇAISE EN ROUMAIN
<p>In this article we have focused on the false friends (faux-amis) of some Romanian words of French origin and on the situations in which they can be found in the users’ vocabulary. Over time, false friends have become a quite common linguistic phenomenon, especially among people who are not proficient in a foreign language. Some of the improperly used words are sometimes funny for the native speakers.</p>Adela-Marinela STANCU
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
<p>With the loss of Arab political and cultural influence, many Arabisms fall out of use and are replaced by words mainly of Latin origin, as cultural borrowings. We have selected an inventory of 25 terms of Arabic origin that designate main courses, deserts or ingredients used in medieval cuisine, the latter being ingredients resulting from preparation, thus excluding natural ingredients such as fruit, vegetables or spices. The paper traces the linguistic history of these words over time, their disappearance, preservation or replacement by other terms, based on data from historical dictionaries and diachronic corpora of the Spanish language.</p>Mihai ENĂCHESCU
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.127LIMBA CA MECANISM COGNITIV ȘI CULTURAL: ANALIZE ȘI APLICABILITĂȚI
<p>We propose a current debate in linguistics regarding the existence of essential differences in interpreting reality for each language, where cultural manifestations influence the way of thinking, perceiving, and expressing the surrounding reality of a linguistic group. Starting from the premise that, at an individual level, there are intersubjective differences in interpreting the world, it is logical to assume that such variations exist among speakers of different languages.</p>Delia CRISTEA
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.144CARPATISMELE VLAHE ÎN CULTURA CONTEMPORANĂ POLONEZĂ
<p>Although the spread of the literary language has contributed to the gradual disappearance of some old regional terms, others, such as culturemes, have become a symbol of the identity of mountain communities and were recognized as such in other parts of Poland, sometimes “borrowed” into sociolects foreign to mountain culture. Others have become a trademark. In this paper, I analyse the contemporary function of culturemes inherited from the Vlach shepherds and the contexts in which they are used today. According to ethno-linguistic studies, we understand culturemes as synonyms of key words endowed with various meanings thanks to which the specificity of an ethnic and regional community can be understood.</p>Anna OCZKO
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
<p>The article examines the cultural and ideological principles of V. Jagić’s interpretation of the problems of the Ukrainian language, as well as how V. Jagić assessed the status and prospects of the Ukrainian language at the turn of the century. Jagić’s arguments (linguistic, palaeographic, historical), as well as his personal confidence in the antiquity and originality of the Ukrainian language convinced many Ukrainian and Russian philologists. However, Jagić’s not very optimistic views on the status of the Ukrainian language in the late 19<sup>th</sup> and early 20<sup>th</sup> centuries and the prospects for its further development fully corresponded to his pro-Russian sentiments and his long-held dream of cultural unity of Slavic peoples. Although Jagić did not devote certain works to Ukrainians and their language, always analysing it in “connection” or comparison with Russian and other Slavic languages (except for the memorandum on the Ruthenian language), these explorations, given the huge authority of their author, in the times of national demarcation and the greatest anti-Ukrainian reaction, were of considerable importance both in Ukrainian linguistics and in Slavic studies in general.</p>Tetiana KRAVCHUKOleksandra KASHUBAAndrii TURCHYNHalyna NAVOLSKAValeriy PANCHENKO
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
<p>The paper aims at investigating German adjectives ending in <em>-frei</em> with regard to their defining features and their actual language use. As it will be shown, the current expansion of such complex adjectives and the speakers’ noticeable preference for constantly coining new and ad-hoc lexemes exhibiting the structure [noun/verb + <em>frei</em>] are a consequence of their fairly complete lack of selective restrictions concerning the first element, their transparent meaning and the influence of similarly patterned English lexemes. The paper further discusses means of translating compounds with the semi-affix <em>-frei </em>into Romanian. The semantically often underdetermined synthetic German words are contrasted with Romanian derivative adjectives comprising negative prefixes, as well as with prepositional phrases or relative clauses which explicitly render the underlying relation.</p>Bogdana CRIVĂȚ
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.125FEATURES OF BUSINESS ENGLISH LANGUAGE
<p>The paper discusses and exemplifies the features of business English at all levels: lexical, syntactic and textual, pointing out the fact that this type of language can carry out a very specific communication function in the domains of marketing, business management and public relations. We analyse how these specific characteristics improve the global communication in the business world, contributing to a better cooperation all over the world.</p>Mădălina CERBAN
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.142FUNCTIONAL TRANSPOSITION OF ‘SINCE’ IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE
<p>The paper is aimed at tracing the evolution of the preposition, adverb, and conjunction SINCE as the initial and transposed categories. The research proves that the adverb SINCE was formed due to grammaticalization of the construction SIÐ ÐAN/SIÞ ÞAN in 850-950 and has undergone functional transposition into the conjunction and the preposition. The adverb SINCE has been constantly decreasing and reached the lowest point in the early Present-day English. The functional transposition of the adverb SINCE into the conjunction in 850-950 was characterized by its immediate institutionalization and its statistics have been growing steadily with an upsurge in 1350-1420 and a constantly fluctuating growth after that. The transposed category of the preposition was formed in 1250-1350 and was institutionalized in the next stage of Middle English and since then, its usage frequency has been fluctuating from 18.2% to 24.1%, depending on the period.</p>Yurii KOVBASKO
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.133EPISTEMIC MODALITY MARKERS AT THE LEXEMIC LEVEL: THE ADVERB PROBABLY
<p>The article deals with epistemic modality markers at the lexemic level, namely the adverb <em>probably</em>. The research has clearly revealed that it has the highest frequency of use among epistemic modality markers at the lexemic level. This adverb is often used parenthetically, on the one hand revealing the phatic function of language and, on the other hand, bearing a definite semantic load. The combination between the epistemic adverb <em>probably</em> and non-assertive contexts is manifold.</p>Anna KOSENKO
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.149LEXICAL LACUNAS AND THEIR ELIMINATION IN THE TARGET TEXT
<p>The article is concerned with the phenomenon of lacunarity and methods of translating lexical lacunas from English into Ukrainian. The scientific research attempts to reveal the main reasons for the appearance of lexical lacunas in interlingual communication. The authors conclude that the main methods of discarding lacunas in the target texts are the compensation method and the method of filling the gap. Advantages and disadvantages of both methods are described in this paper.</p>Liudmyla ZAHORODNIATetiana TSEPENIUKHanna SHAYNERBeata KUSHKA
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.140HEALING PLANTS FROM ALOR ISLAND: A DATA PAPER FOR LANGUAGE DOCUMENTATION
<p>This paper provides the readers with a comprehensive and systematized dataset containing names of healing plants and common plants with medicinal properties from the Abui context in Alor Island, Alor-Pantar Archipelago, Timor area, Southeast Indonesia. Abui is an endangered Papuan language spoken in the central sector of Alor (the name of the language is also the ethnonym of the local population). Our dataset includes the phytonyms in Abui, their scientific names, their English translations, the medicinal properties (actual or as perceived by the natives) of the related plants, and some synthetic notes on their usages and cultural significance among the local indigenous people. The dataset is relevant in that it collects not only a list of terms from a specialized lexicon of an endangered language, but also provides the readers with details on local traditional healing practices, medical properties, and cultural aspects for further analysis. Our operation of data collection and sharing is aimed at ideally associating methods and practices in Language Documentation with Ethno-Botany, History of Culture, History of Traditional Medicine, and Pharmacology. The paper aims also at being an encouragement to scholars working on these disciplines to broaden the horizons of studies in which Language Documentation and Medicine work together for the discovery of new solutions for human healthcare.</p>Shiyue WUFrancesco PERONO CACCIAFOCO
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.157WHEN A SHAPE LOSES SHAPE. THE MEANING OF SHAPE AND ITS SYNONYMS IN ENGLISH AND POLISH
<p>The paper analyses the meaning of the term <em>shape</em> and its (partial) synonyms <em>form</em> and <em>figure</em> in English, as well as their Polish equivalents <em>kształt</em>, <em>forma</em> and <em>figura</em>. The nouns are proven to be polysemous, with some of the meanings not related to the idea of shape. English – Polish equivalence is partial, as a sign of common human experience. In some cases, cross-equivalence can be observed, while, in some other cases, no equivalence is observed.</p>Małgorzata KARCZEWSKA
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
<p>The objective of the present work is to identify the psychological and affective motivations of the use of diminutives in Arghezi’ poetry. The approach will be mainly deductive, as we endeavour to start our investigation from the semantic functions of diminutive constructions and then investigate the psychological effects of the use of diminutives specific to Arghezi’s poetry.</p> <p>The research is based on a multifaceted analysis, as we suggest a different approach on Tudor Arghezi’s texts, across a triple perspective: semantic, psychoanalytic and contextual-connotative.</p> <p>The methodology of the present study is specific to several fields of study, such as semantics, stylistics, psychology and literary theory. The corpus of the study is taken from the literary works of Tudor Arghezi.</p>Silvia ILUȚ
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
<p>The study examines the concept of hesed in the Hebrew biblical tradition, revealing its semantic depth beyond conventional translations and highlighting its relational and ethical character in the manifestation of divine and human love. The study addresses the diversity of scholarly interpretations, highlighting that “hesed” represents a combination of loyalty, love and kindness, reflecting not only divine attributes, but also principles governing human behavior in interpersonal relationships. The paper also explores the relationship between “hesed” and other biblical concepts, such as covenant and faithfulness, arguing that it plays an essential role in shaping the spiritual ethos of Judaism and in shaping relationships between the divine and the human. Thus, the study contributes to a nuanced understanding of how the Jewish religious tradition conceptualizes the fundamental virtues of love and devotion.</p>Mihai VLADIMIRESCU
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.138THE FACTUALITY OF FOOTBALL TELEVISION REPORTS FROM A TEXT-CENTRED PERSPECTIVE
<p>The article characterizes the factuality of football reporting from a text-centred perspective. It is noted that the facts in the text are explained by means of text structures built on the basis of focal and background factums. The system of factual text indicators which convey information about the progress of the game, the organizers and participants of the football match, the place of the event, the time, the status of the match, the stage of the tournament, etc. was analysed.</p>Pavlo STRUHANETS
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.155WHAT IS NOT IN THE TEXT: TOWARDS THE PROBLEM OF IMPLICITNESS IN DRAMA
<p>This article examines implicitness, its realization and decoding by lexical-semantic means in fiction. The authors substantiate their claim that implicitness is an inherent language feature co-existing with explicitness. Establishing the perspective of a linguist-literary scholar, the authors provide a multi-level meaning presentation from literal to figurative and symbolic, based on discourse analysis. It is shown that much of the meaning can be concealed in the text and extend the limits of the latter. The analysis reveals that implicitness develops by lexical-semantic and lexical-syntactic means, through a diverse array of generative and interpretative devices.</p>Anna ERLIKHMANOlga KULCHYTSKA
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
<p>The article examines the dynamics of the use of Austrian terms in modern German mass media. The newspaper discourse was chosen for the analysis, since the spread of Austrian terms can be easily traced, in particular, in the German newspapers “Zeit”, “Berliner Zeitung” and “Tagesspiegel”. By sampling, Austrian terms were singled out whose values are focused on certain characteristics of a person. Along with the more popular analysed lexemes, which were found in all three editions, less common ones were also found, which appeared in two or one of the analysed newspapers. The results of the analysis show that the studied Austrian terms are very often used in German language, since newspaper discourse as a tool of mass communication always uses linguistic means that are relevant to society to some extent.</p>Larysa DROBAKHA-SIMONOVATetiana TARANUKHAOlena IHNATOVA
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
<p>The paper deals with the syntactic and lexical-semantic examination of the markers of concession extracted from two TV debate formats in American-English and Bulgarian, which were identified and analysed within the frames of the complex sentence structure. A further point of interest is the investigation of the concessive relations recognized within the scope of expressive speech acts, apologies in particular, as we aim to discuss to what extent the concessive perspective may affect their pragmatic performance. In this respect, the relevance of the paper arises from the rapid development of integrated cross-cultural studies in the sphere of communicative acts and the significance of new interpretations of pragmatic matters in spoken discourse.</p>Deyana PENEVA
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.136LA PREPOSIZIONE ITALIANA DA E LE SUE CORRISPONDENTI ROMENE
<p>This article is a schematic description of the Romanian equivalents of the Italian preposition <em>da</em>: it presents Romanian equivalents for the situations when <em>da</em> introduces a complement, an implicit sentence with an infinitive or is included in the phrases <em>avere + da </em>+ infinitive or <em>essere + da </em>+ infinitive.</p> <p> Theoretical explanations are supported by examples extracted from the Italian novels <em>Il deserto dei Tartari</em> by Dino Buzzati (Milan, Oscar Mondadori, 2004) and <em>Il visconte dimezzato</em> by Italo Calvino (Milan, Oscar Mondadori, 1993) and their Romanian translations <em>Deșertul tătarilor</em> (Bucharest, Univers Publishing House, 1996, translated by Niculina Benguș-Tudoriu) și <em>Vicontele tăiat în două</em> (Bucharest, Univers Publishing House, 1999, translated by Despina Mladoveanu).</p>Elena PÎRVU
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.152IL VOCABOLARIO DELLA CARITÀ E LA FORTUNA DEL VERBO “CARITARE”
<p>The paper analyses the extremely rich vocabulary of charity in Italian language, starting from the verb <em>caritare</em>, whose destiny has been peculiar: even though it does not appear in the most important dictionaries of Italian language (De Mauro, Garzanti, Sabatini-Coletti, Treccani, Zingarelli), it has been widely disseminated due to Fabrizio de André’s famous song <em>Khorakhané</em>. The verb <em>caritare</em> was compiled by Prof. Piero Brunello from the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, in a glossary of terms used in Roma camps in San Giuliano (hosting the so-called Xoraxané Romá, originating from Obilić, near Priština, in Kosovo) and Zelarino (hosting the so-called Dasikané Roma, originating from Šabac, in Serbia), among speakers of Romani and Serbian language, in order to communicate with Venetian and Italian natives, during March-October 1994.</p>Afrodita Carmen CIONCHIN
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics
2025-02-182025-02-18461-210.52846/aucssflingv.v46i1-2.123LE DISCOURS INDIRECT LIBRE DANS « DEUX INNOCENTS » D’ALICE FERNEY
<p>Free indirect speech is characteristic of Alice Ferney. In <em>Deux Innocents</em>, this type of speech introduces more variety in the discourse, as well as a sense of doubt, which is one of the particularities of her style. Alice Ferney prefers the use of present tense, mixes points of view, the main character’s point of view is frequently reported through free indirect speech. The present tense is the time of interiority, of the inner monologue, of the unexpressed dream of the inner life of the characters. In addition, free indirect speech is for Ferney the terrain of hidden psychological and intellectual analysis.</p>Diana COSTEA
Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics